Hay-fever sucks

Isn't Mother Nature a prankster? One moment, she's laying out the most breathtaking vistas for us, and the next, she's ambushing us with a face full of pollen. Ah, the joys of hay fever – the ultimate party pooper.

Hay fever season is here

If you've ever woken up feeling like you've gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson, with your eyes and nose engaged in a race against each other, then welcome to the Hay Fever Club. Honestly, it's not a club I signed up for willingly. But if you're experiencing sneezing fits, itchy everything, wheezing, and a general sense of exhaustion, you're probably a member too – whether you like it or not

Living in Spain means taking on Mother Nature's floral battalion, especially during the peak seasons of March, April, and May. With orange and olive blossoms in full bloom, it's like walking into a perfume trap – irresistible yet debilitating. I can't help but take in long drags of their perfume as it draws you in, hypnotising you, the citrus fragrance begging you to take bigger deeper drags each time. Personally, I've declared war on the olive blossoms, which seem to find their way into every nook and cranny when the valley winds pick up.

Which of these Hay Fever symptoms do YOU have?

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy throat, eyes, ears
  • Wheezing
  • Tiredness
  • Coughing
  • Congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Watering eyes
  • Loss of smell
  • Headache

I've tried the antihistamines, the eye drops, the nasal sprays, even the strong ones from the doctor – you name it. But this time of year, I go on a quest to conquer hay fever without resorting to a daily pill-popping routine. Got any tricks up your sleeve? Feel free to drop your suggestions in the comments below.

Here are a few of my favourite Hay Fever Remedies 

  1. Nettle Tea: Who needs garden weeds when you can brew them into a soothing cup of tea? Nettles pack a punch with their anti-inflammatory powers.

  2. Quercetin: Imagine having your own personal bodyguard against hay fever. Found in fruits, veggies, and supplements, quercetin battles inflammation and histamines like a pro.

  3. Vitamin C: No longer just for scurvy prevention, vitamin C is a superhero against inflammation and a natural antihistamine.

  4. Hydration: Drinking water is like giving your body a high-five, keeping histamines at bay and giving your liver a break from processing all that wine (though, let's be real, a little indulgence is okay...right?).

  5. Local Honey: A spoonful of local honey a day might just keep the hay fever blues away, thanks to its immunity-boosting properties straight from the neighbourhood bees.

So, fellow warriors in the battle against pollen, what's your secret weapon? Let's swap remedies and tackle this sneeze-fest together! Please comment below....

Previous comments

Rose Vincent
"Thank you so much Tracey. I have suffered with rhinitis for many years. In the past couple of years my symptoms have flared up during the hayfever season. Local honey has helped, so has sipping water all through the day and also an over the counter product called Sterimarâ for those that do not know is 100% natural micro-diffused sea water which when sprayed into the nasal cavities literally flushes out the sinuses (tipping the bead upside down for a few secs for extra benefit!!!) I will be trying Nettle Tea too!! Great article thanks again Tracey!! Xxx"
Anita Strobridge
"Great piece about the inflammation . Much prefer natural than meditation. Taking B12 vitamins to help repair my aches and pains . And I have to say early days but feeling the benefit. Even walking the grandchildren to school and feeling good for it with out pain.. slowly but surely I'll get there. Thank you for the tips. "


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