WALK TALL - Monday Meanders Group


THIS GROUP IS SPECIFICALLY FOR THOSE JUST STARTING OUT.  This splinter walking group will be focusing on a leisurely walk, matching the pace of the slowest walker. With an aim to encourage & support each other along the way. A group of friends exploring the beautiful open areas around where we live, without the vulnerability of walking alone ......or the need to keep to a faster pace.
"I love to Walk, I am Tall and I live in Spain - hence the name WalkTall - a positive term for one's confidence and bravery, which is something I feel we need when living abroad.We come together to share a love of walking, with a positivity to help uplift and encourage those with the aim to get fitter, or who may be struggling to settle here in Spain" - Tracey x

Who can join the MONDAY MEANDERING walks?

Even though this group is SPECIFICALLY FOR THOSE JUST STARTING OUT, you must be fit enough to walk. We're a mixed bunch of residents and non-residents of mostly British nationality.

What should be brought to each walk?

  • positive attitude 
  • appropriate clothing & footwear for the weather and route (including additional clothing if the wind picks up or for extended stops)
  • torch (law on roads at low light)
  • hi-vis (law on roads at low light)
  • whistle for attracting attention
  • food and drink appropriate for the route duration, energy levels required, and weather
  • first aid kit (and basic first aid knowledge)
  • charged mobile phone
  • emergency contact number (easy to locate should it be required)
  • TIE / Passport (if an emergency permits it being shown)

When and Where are the walk routes?

Focused mostly around Almanzora, Albox, Cantoria, and up in and around the mountains of Oria, although the areas are starting to become extended. The route distance varies from 4 miles. Each route's mileage and terrain is clearly indicated in the descriptions of each walk. They are typically organised for MONDAYS. The times are varied depending on the time of year, some early mornings in the summer and mid afternoon/evening the rest of the year. You pick and choose the walks you want to attend based on the route information provided. Some routes will include tourist centres of interest and a local bar, where these are included,everyone is responsible for ordering and paying for their own refreshments/tickets.

How much does this cost?

A small donation of 2.50 per walk to cover my walk related expenses including Apps and website

Are you a trained guide?

I am not formally trained. I organise these walk sessions because I want to share them; but we all walk them at our own risk; and are all personally/individually responsible for ourselves and our belongings. I will not be made liable. I do not have public liability insurance and I strongly recommend that anyone walking with me, be that on a solo walk, recce walk, or group walk, take out their own rescue and personal medical insurance in case of an accident on a walk. If you're visiting the area for a holiday, you should check that your travel insurance cover is sufficient. If you find that it doesn't then please ensure that you take out extra cover for the sport of walking and hiking. You should discuss your needs for insurance with your insurance advisor. Anyone who attends the walk and shows signs of illness or intoxication will be refused to attend that walk for their own safety and that of the rest of the group. All walkers will be required to sign a disclaimer before attending (see the related links on this page)

To reiterate - each member is solely responsible for their safety, well-being, insurance, and belongings on the walks. Tracey will not be held liable for any injuries, accidents, or losses that may occur.

What are the walk guidelines?

  • We all walk TOGETHER!
  • You must have signed a disclaimer and handed this to me at your first walk, stating that you're responsible for your own safety and that I am not to be made liable (see related links on this page)
  • You must have read each walk description before attending it. Ensuring you have decided that this walk matches your current fitness and ability for distance, ascent, and terrain. And that you are capable of walking it without hindrance.
  • You must arrive before the start time. The group will not wait, even if you have said you're coming
  • You must not walk if intoxicated, unwell or injured. Anything that will impact your health further or affect the group's pace
  • You must NOT leave the walking route without first letting myself know (not another walker)
  • You must stay in visual contact with the people ahead of you and behind you, particularly at junctions.
  • You must have checked the weather on the day and made your own decision to attend the walk based on your findings, and be appropriately dressed
  • You must take all rubbish home with you

Are dogs and children welcome?

Due to the social nature of the group walks, the group is not open to children. I ask that dogs are not included out of respect for group members who are not comfortable around them, have allergies or have fears.

Are photos taken?

Images are taken by myself and others. These are shared within our closed Facebook walking group. Some are shared on personal social media. I may also use photos on this website. PLEASE DO NOT JOIN this walking group if you do NOT want any image/s used online. By coming on the walks, it will be taken that permission has been given.

How do I join?

If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me. If you agree with the above, want to improve your health and explore the local area, then request to join the Walking Group on Facebook to learn about future walks. (It is a PRIVATE Facebook group which is searchable, but unless someone is a member, they will not be able to see who is in the group, or the contents shared on the group. New Facebook group members are required to answer a few questions before being allowed admittance)

Previous comments

"A couple of years ago, Tracey and I chatted about improving my health, I'd decided I wanted to lose some weight and get a bit fitter. Not only did she inspire me to make the first step by agreeing to walk regularly, but also to accommodate my 'awkward' need to start early in the morning, to accommodate working...AND walking at MY pace. I absolutely loved the experience and seeing the local area we live in, with such a different view and perspective. "
Geoff Murrell
"I was interested in getting fitter, losing some weight, improving my health and enjoying the beautiful Spanish countryside. I wanted to join the WalkTall group but realised that I had no idea how far I could walk or if I'd be able to keep up with a group of experienced walkers. I spoke to Tracey, and she suggested some seperate walks to test my ability, before I joined the main group walks. I'm glad she did, because after a couple of weeks of gradually increasing distance and pace, I felt confident to join in a group walk in Oria. I know that if I had attempted that with no preparation, I would have found it very tough, so thank you, Tracey, for taking me on some lovely local walks. If you are thinking of joining a walk, but aren't sure if you are fit enough, I can recommend talking to Tracey about the Monday Meandering Walking Group, especially in preparation for the group walks"


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