Walking Apps

Our mobile phones are great personal tools and security devices when out walking, and I would not leave the house without mine. Here's some of my favourite mobile apps for helping to keep on the right track and for personal safety whilst out hiking and exploring. I would suggest downloading the following, especially if you are walking alone! In alphabetical order... 

Apps for safety when out walking here in Spain

Alert Cops 

AlertCops allows you to share your position with the people you want or with a rescue centre. You can also send photos and videos to the public security services, or periodically send your position during the time the alert is active. Moreover, you will receive security, emergency or informational notifications depending on where you are or chat with public security services in your own language.
get the app 

Wild Fire Watch 

With wildfires being common in Spain, this app notifies you of active fires in your local area. Handy to know when you are out walking, and if you spot one, you can use it to notify of a fire (please also notify the emergency services directly) 
get the app


LastQuake is an app designed by seismologists that shows a list of all the recent earthquakes that've happened around the world with all the information you need to know about them.
get the app

What 3 Words 

Every 3m x 3m square in the world has a 3 word address. You can share your exact location whenever you want with this app...and very importantly, if you ever need to do so in an emergency. 
get the app


Wikiloc is a place to discover and share the best outdoor trails for hiking, cycling and many other activities. You can create your own GPS tracks with your mobile phone, and upload to your profile, along with photos on route for others to see (You can make your trails private if you want) I have started using the premium version that includes live tracking to share with your contact back home, perfect when walking alone. 
get the app

What Apps would YOU recommend? Please comment below ...

Previous comments

David Leslie Jones
"I have been organising walks for in Fuerteventura for the last 6 1/2 years. I used Viewranger to plan and record walks until it was taken over by Outdooractive. The Outdooractive app has slowly improved since then and now I find it very useful. There are several maps to choose from and I like to keep a record of my tracks walked with the group."
Leon Dziurzynski
"Maps Me. This shows all the paths in the world... You have to download in your current area on Wi-Fi. Does not show routes. Only paths. "
Cora Unk
"Love your information. Keep it safe to enjoy your walks. "


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