Songs (Guest Blog)

Choose carefully. Have you ever considered how songs have a meaningful impact on our LIFE journey, to supporting our well-being on a deep level of healing? For instance, the song Amazing “GRACE” is a song I personally love, as it really does and has depicted my Spiritual Transformation. It makes me feel fantastic to listen to it. A reminder of my journey. The Words “I was once lost, now I am found “ fit my description of a lost identity, and a very long painful journey of finding myself.

The meaning of GRACE for me represents:

  • GOD


Receiving this gift of “GRACE” has helped me find myself for sure. I am going to give you a bird’s eye view or short insight into my Spiritual Transformation over the last 20 years in the hope that it may resonate with you and help you in some way.

Born a quiet, shy, timid and sensitive child and experiencing many ailments, like shingles, chickenpox, very bad coughs were all signs of a sensitive nervous system. I feel my first signs of being a lost soul, when I left Primary school to then go onto Secondary school. I remember feeling so scared and frightened, which we all identify now as fear and anxiety.

Vulnerability, another word we are all learning to embrace, was an understatement then, in many ways it was about survival, and many times experiencing that feeling of inner panic. I would describe it now as though I was losing the plot...losing control. To be honest the word lost wouldn’t have been understood back then. But for me, it was to become clear I didn’t know who I was. Through my distressing emotional experiences of panic and anxiety, what did become clear, and I started to understand, was about finding my true identity and that loving myself was going to be my “Life’s Work “healing that deep inner love of self.

My gifts as I call them are sensitivity, vulnerability and Invisibility. They are strengths in my life. In the past I had allowed myself to believe that what others said or told me were a weakness, until realising and understanding that the world needs sensitivity people, and how important that balance is. I had felt really stretched at times mentally, emotionally and physically where I had to initially seek medical help, but because of many side effects, eventually after continually re-educating myself I went Alternative and Holistically. The start of my inner strength supporting me in the right direction, albeit the beginning of a huge lifestyle change.


Homeopathy, Nutrition and Meditation were key factors to getting me on track for a Lifestyle Change. A positive break through, getting onto the right path and eventually many positive results. I have always had a natural positive approach in helping myself, having mental strength and positive thoughts really played a huge part in understanding the strength of my faith and beliefs, which led me to grasp the meaning of Grace. Realising that god’s love had always been there.... but I had forgotten to ask for his guidance, to then choosing to go it alone, the result of feeling lost. God had always had a plan, did he say it would be easy, oh no, all part of my life’s lessons.


When you make room for Grace in your LIFE, practising gratitude and embracing every moment, something magical happens. You begin to find the Joy all around you, simple things will get your attention, noticing a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Many aspects of a Spiritual Transformation come from your inner guidance, when experiencing stillness, allowing you to really listen. To then act. Sometimes a unique experience of feeling born again.

GRACE shows you that life is more bearable when you feel overwhelmed by humanity’s negativity. It can remind us also of all the beauty and peace if in a dire or uncomfortable situation. Slowing down, relaxing, rested and calm help with the connection to the flow of energy that we are all part of. Because Grace is present truly is amazing,

AMAZING “ GRACE “ all of the time, whether we notice it or not.


YOU may be thinking how I got to my place of GRACE, and not feeling lost, to finding myself. For many years unknowingly I was being affected by layers and layers of negativity that were shrouding me, all created by me, and causing many of my emotional situations.

Deep transformational healing work took place, I learnt to surrender, release, let go of control and really reaching out. Once you realise you can’t do it alone {on your own} to ask a Higher Power/God, then you begin to experience signs of Grace. Some of the dark despair starts to diffuse and you begin deleting many aspects that no longer serve you


Evolving and helping yourself, will also help others all around you too. Alignment to your Divine Self is a magical moment, opening the channels for prayer and meditation. Through accepting another one of my precious gifts, which took me a long time to understand and receive was INVISIBILTY. But what I learnt was, when I really started to heal my heart. Learning how to receive, and balancing all my giving, was when I felt that powerful thread of love and light, becoming a powerful receiver of DIVINE GRACE. Sensitivity, Vulnerability and Invisibility have and still are what has defined me, to my life unfolding and being that witness of my identity.


So, to summarise, keep embracing all your wonderful gifts that you were born with and keep listening and singing the songs that lift you HIGHER. I will end with sharing songs that I believe are powerful and healing. I LOVE gospel singing and have sang in a gospel choir and believe me it really does heal the heart. The Kingdom Choir have a lovely CD called “STAND BY ME “ and on this CD is Amazing Grace, Blinded by your Grace, and Something inside so Strong. These blow my mind, so worth Googling and listening to!

I am going to end with this song….

Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
There's nothing you can do that can't be done
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game…. It's easy
There's nothing you can make that can't be made
No one you can save that can't be saved
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time…It's easy
All you need is love
All you need is love
The Beatles

GUEST BLLOGGER - DAWN CUMMINS - Transformational Author and Healer

You can contact Dawn for more information about this subject, or about the services she provides by using the links provided on this page

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