
Stand like a flamingo

Picture this: standing on one leg like a majestic flamingo, balancing gracefully while your core muscles wake up from their slumber. That was my noble quest when I delved into the world of Yoga back in 2015. Fast-forward to 2024 and all this is a distant memory, I wistfully wish I had started the Yoga journey in my teens, and continued into my 50s – I could've been a yoga pro by now! 

Yoga, my dear friend, is not just a physical exercise; it's a mental spa day. Amidst the chaos of life's laundry list, I used to find solace in those precious moments dedicated solely to me. Sure, there's the occasional mental tug-of-war before class, debating whether I can skip it for a date with the vacuum cleaner. But I always heeded that inner voice reminding me of my love affair with yoga. Meeting fellow bendy enthusiasts used to fill my tank with the energy needed to tackle the Mount Everest of laundry waiting at home.

Yoga during COVID-19 messed my routine up and I never went back. Going online, for me, just didn't work. It's like trying to find a replacement for your favourite slice of cake – nothing quite measures up. Zoom classes, were promising to save our downward dogs from extinction. I tried scouring YouTube for substitutes, but it was like comparing a gourmet meal to microwave ramen. 

I know I need to get back into it. My back and creaking joints keep reminding me. 

I can hear some of you, and I will address the elephant in the yoga studio: religion.

Yes, yoga has ancient roots tracing back thousands of years to Northern India, but that doesn't mean you're signing up for a religious pilgrimage. Despite a few sceptics fixating on its spiritual origins, I used to see my yoga classes as my personal stretchy sanctuary – no religious rites required. As the wise internet once said, "Yoga is in Religion, Religion is not in Yoga." But hey, if you're feeling uncertain, do your research and maybe even consult your local yoga guru or religious leader. After all, a little enlightenment never hurt anyone.

So, fellow yoga enthusiasts, have you tiptoed into the world of yoga? How has it twisted and stretched your life for the better? Share your downward dog tales below! And if you have any tips to coax me back into it - I am all ears!

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