What are the benefits of using Wikiloc in Spain?Initially, I set all my walks on Wikiloc to private. But from here onwards, I will make each route pContinue Reading
WALK TALL - Informal Walking GroupWalkTallSpain is an informal walking group, made up of friends who explore the beautiful landscapes Continue Reading
WalkTallSpain Walking Videos Discover the hidden gems of Spain from the comfort of your home with the WalkTallSpain channel.Continue Reading
How to keep cool walking in SpainHiking in Spain offers stunning landscapes, from coastal paths to mountainous trails, making it a poContinue Reading
Walking RoutesWalkTall Walking Routes - We all have our favourite walking routes, and at the bottom of thContinue Reading
WalkTallSpain MerchWalkTall Merchandise - Introducing the start of WalkTall merch, with each piece slowly added into thContinue Reading
PELIGRO Dangers of Walking & HuntingPELIGRO - DANGER! - Walking through the Spanish countryside is very pleasurable and calming, allowinContinue Reading
Physical & Mental Benefits of WalkingIt's easy to overlook one of the simplest yet most effective forms of physical activity: walking. FrContinue Reading
Walking QuotesI do love a quote, and even better when they are motivational and involve my passion of walking. HerContinue Reading
Walking FactsI do love a good walking fact, and here you will find some of my favourites. If you have some of youContinue Reading
London to Brighton WalkPART 1 - Training Jan 2018 ~ You are walking how many miles? - I am walking "100km which is 62miles Continue Reading
Walking AppsOur mobile phones are great personal tools and security devices when out walking, and I would not leContinue Reading
Walk for Life 2022"I thought you said you were NEVER doing a sponsored walk again!!" - After completing the London to Continue Reading
CDNAO - Spanish Walking Club New Adventure Sports Club of Oria - Club Deportivo Nueva Aventura de Oria. - It's no secret that I Continue Reading